
Speed dating reviews near Napier New Zeland

They have already undertaken a full review of their network and they are also an aquifer network and they are moving towards chlorine free. He's been unsuccessfully running for the council for the last 24 years but maintains he's still well and truly in the race for mayor. Forecast Maps. Show Ad Close Ad. Napier community speed dates council candidates ahead of elections. Speed dating has been given a political twist. Source: 1 NEWS. Chris Tremain a former National cabinet minister isn't committed to its immediate removal. But two-term councillor Kirsten Wise says it shouldn't have to take as long or cost as much.

Small enough to be everywhere else other than your job, constant chasing required, Mr Variation making up stuff as he goes, plans get changed to what they want, not what was agreed. I suggest treading with care. Experience with this company was poor. Husband and wife both volatile. Reiterate what is written above. Be careful.

Hi all, We are considering a design and build company to remove and rebuilt in Auckland. Has anyone used Jalcon before? Thanks in advance. It will highlight it throughout the blog. There are quite a few references to Jalcon, some good, some not so good. But please note that they are a franchise builder, and there lots of comments on the blog mostly negative about using those.

We went quite far in the process of building with them in the SE Auckland area. Their plans were quite good, and things looked promising regarding price. But we my wife especially felt the salesman was a bit too pushy. That applies to all builders of course, unless you have a good relationship with them, and real experience that you can trust their estimates.

Hi Sarah, hat area are you building? We have finished a build in Rodney with The House Company and are very satisfied with the quality and process. Not the cheapest of companies but certainly less stress than all of the other companies we have used in the past. We are excited to be part of the Landmark Homes team and look forward to building beautiful homes in our area.

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We both love working with people and will be with our clients every step of the way. A few questions if I may : Will you commit that the standard building contract you use will be a fair and balanced contract? But this kind of thing is quite feasible, and in fact standard on larger construction contracts. It is not without room for discussion argument on the exact amount of time extension, but at least it prevents a builder from dragging a build out indefinitely, simply because they prefer to work on another project. In my view these are fine, but should only be used for things where the client gets to choose the standard put in the house.

So I think it is up to the client to use due diligence before signing the contract, to decide whether the amount is enough to get what they want. These are costs that a builder may genuinely not be able to accurately assess before signing the contract.

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I would suggest that anyone not experienced in the building industry should get expert advice on these before signing the contract. Of course we all hope everyone involved will act in good faith. It should go without saying that if a builder is uncooperative or unwilling to discuss any of the above in a reasonable manner, then in my view you should just walk away.

Aside from the contractual and PC sums issues it would be nice for Colleen to comment on the physical building side of their franchise. Such as, will there be one dedicated licensed builder on each build that regularly visits and overseas the build and is this the person the same one who will sign off the Record of Works?

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If this licensed builder is to supervise restricted building work and not do this work themselves then the question needs to be asked how often will they visit the site? Will you be using stubbies, and if so who will they be and what will they be doing? Who do they answer to if their work is incorrect or substandard? How many hammer hands vs skilled builders not necessarily licensed builders will be allocated to each build?

Again, many franchises try to keep their costs down by using mainly hammer hands who are cheaper to employ and the end result is often very poor workmanship which is harder for the client to seek remedial work or costs for as each franchise has their own interpretation of what good workmanship is and arguing this costs thousands in legal fees if you should find yourself in this position. The LBPB and the Council will not help you should it come to defining poor workmanship so supervision and accountability are all the client has to safeguard themselves against this.

Maybe Kelly who posts stuff on this blog often could weigh in with her experiences of insurance and finance issues too? Then I think all the bases are covered as to how Colleen Walters and her husband are going to turn that franchise around as it does not have a very good reputation at all. Perhaps a bit difficult to pin down in the contract. I guess you could ask the builder to name the people they intend to use. The others will always have some excuse as to why their promise is no longer possible he resigned, got sick, too busy etc etc.

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Regarding the point about sub-contractors, I guess virtually all NZ builders use them for some or all of various specialist jobs like excavation, concreting, drainage, roofing, joinery, electrical, plumbing, kitchens, tiling, bricklaying, flooring, painting etc etc. It follows from this that the client should resist the temptation to get involved in any discussions with a subbie or in fact any worker on the site that might be interpreted as giving them an instruction, especially one that might be considered a Variation.

I had a friend who went through the LBPB very recently to reprimand the building company who built his house, and which failed COC on epic proportions, and the LBPB deemed the building company in question not liable for the faulty work of their subbies even though they hired them and signed of a ROW for it all too. He is appealing the decision through the District Court as their ruling completely contradicts what all their literature says but it just goes to show you how very little protection there is out there for the home owner and in my opinion you lose nothing by trying to include things like this into your contract.

First a company cannot be an LBP. Secondly when an LBP does a record of work it can only cover what they are qualified to cover. This means a ROW cannot cover any subbies like plumbers, electricians. The district court is probably the right place for their dispute. We have been very selective in the sub-contractors we have brought on board and have complete faith in their workmanship and attention to detail. At our pre-construction meeting with the client we are more than happy to disclose the sub-contractors who will be working on their site if requested and address any issues that may arise at that point, we will always strive for open and honest communication with our clients.

Regards, Colleen. The problem with franchises like Landmark is they have no qualified builders actually managing and running the franchise. It is like saying because I worked in a gas station I am capable of running an offshore oil drilling business. I have found that people are paying unnecessary franchise fees, combined with over priced build costs.

How they do it is once you financially pay for the concept plans, which they own , so you are to now committed to them regardless of how much they charge you and if you try and replicate the plans, they sue you for copyright breach, even though it was your idea.

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Regarding the copyright for concept plans, it is almost standard practice that a designer will stick a statement saying they own sole copyright on any plans they produce. Better to lose a thousand on the plans, than lose tens of thousands on the build.

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But better still is to remember that before you sign anything, or pay any money, everything is up for negotiation. So raise this issue of copyright before anything starts. Maybe not to sell the plans, but at least use them yourself. If the builder does not agree then walk away, or get the plans done by your own designer. I think a large part of the problem in NZ, is that there so many independent clients, who are relatively inexperienced in how the building process should work.

So they are easy targets for the less than honest builders. The only ones you hear about are the likes of Jason Strange and look how that turned out. Hi MJ, Again some good comments from you, but I think unfortunately not taken to their logical conclusion. So if their contract says they have sole copyright to any concept or other plans that you have paid for, then ask for that to be changed, to give you at least a share of the copyright maybe not to sell on, but at least to use yourself.

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If their contract is the same as the MB contract I looked at a few years ago, then tell them that some aspects will need to amended. Unfortunately no time or space to go into exactly how here.