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With the speed of vibrational waves through silty soils the resonance coincides with buildings around the 5 to 6 storey height of conventional concrete construction. The likelihood is that it was a major factor in the collapse of the CTV building, PGC, the Harcourts Building unoccupied and collapsed on June 13 , and the near collapse of several other buildings.

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What you are highlighting here is an important point. Think about it in terms of the length of the wave. A taller building is generally longer than the wave and can accomodate and dissipate the movement energy along its lenght height. Smaller buildings that can't absorb the movement suffer from its full extent. Ten stories is actually about the worst in this regard.

An analogy that my be useful is a ship on the sea. A 5 metre sea might be throw around a 12 metre yacht but a tonne ship might span 4 or 5 of those swells. The fact is that the direction and location of the earthquake makes the most difference to where liquifaction occurs. With the scale of liquifaction in Bower Ave in both February and June there is no way that the land in that area should have been green zoned IF areas in Avondale, Dallington, Richmond etc which had minimal liquifaction were zoned red.

Now insurers have got more excuses to buggerise round. A solution is needed which doesn't involve more stupidity.

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Even the slightest suggestion that slab on ground foundations are suitable in liquefiable areas is nonsense. An entire rethink needs to happen to prevent a mass exodus. Because there is no doubt large numbers of people leaving ChCh won't move to other parts of NZ but will leave to Aussie.

Reminds me of a Beatles song. Don't know quite Why. Purely a coincidence but I'd appreciate any reports about today's quakes damage in Diamond Harbour Comparatively little damage on the south side of ChCh. Heathcote through to lower Cashmere had next to no liquefaction. A little bit by Linwood, a bit round Avonside Dallington but not anything as much as before. I've heard that it was nothing as bad as previous quakes in Charteris Bay, so I expect Diamond Harbour was no worse probably much less worse than Feb or June.

People "trapped" at Windsor house - they simply evacuated the building because they didn't want hospital patients stuck on the second floor in case of a more major event. The building isn't remotely compromised a near new seismically strong building. It was on a major slope after September and has withstood the previous 3 quakes with only modest damage. These Civil Defence people love hyping thing up so they can get out the bulldozers and take control. Note that there's been another 5.

That follows at least 2 other moderate quakes picked up on NZ seismometers in the last 3 hours in that region. I know that region has more EQs than further south, but an interesting occurrence of coincident "swarms". Surely it demonstrates our temperamental location, and other parts of the country should not think it won't happen here. Clearly we had a massive shunt in Sept , perhaps we will be in a period of increased activity for some time.

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The problem is, if the activity leads to the rupturing of a major fault ie the Alpine Fault we could have a very very long period of seismic activity. Imagine the impact other events have had on NZ like Taupo erupting years ago and then consider the reality that such events will happen again. But this is going to be a killer for the NZ economy. The very remote chance of 3.

The Govt is going to be forced into more severe cost cutting to make up for the lack of revenue. Unfortunately that will just make things worse.


I recko this is good news for Auckland home owners as house prices will be driven up again with the influx of more and more fleeing Chch residents. Shut the heck up Bob , and just get busy Yes more are likely to leave ChCh now - but they will be distributed across a range of places including Aus , only a small number are likely to settle in Auck.

If another 10, leave ChCh, then maybe may settle in Auckland. OZ would seem a logical place to flee to There are heaps of jobs in Auckland with job sites bombarded with new vacancies. Why did you leave Remuera? Come back. Immigration from overseas largely goes into the auckland region and competes for already stretched resources. NZ's primary responsibility is now to assist its own. Even in Great Britain people who suggest curbs on immigration are considered scum. You look at a place like Bali, people make money from the land tourism yet everywhere you go there are too many people wanting to provide services.

Post over development Queenstown the ultimate insult is hoards of coach drivers from the Peoples Republic. Apparently a part of our free trade agreement. Our new arrivals love living in the bubble and they don't really care about the average Kiwi Joe. It's all about how do you demonstrate your superiority to your family, friends, neighbours, and colleagues, and to total strangers driving past your fine manor and vast estate?

Everyone will think you're a loser if you don't have the biggest and flashest house on the street. Live in a posh suburb in Auckland and you'll know what I'm talking about Not really.

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Do I have to do it that way? I'm not sure about the Palms, but I've just come from Northlands and Westfield Riccarton and they were pretty much packed. Northlands has even taken over the carpark at Papanui High. The only evidence of yesterday's quakes was a few missing ceiling tiles, and upstairs at Farmers was closed at both malls.

Ok time to think positively I reckon on the shakes lasting years into the future as the crap 'land' beneath the surface is So how to make hay so to speak Who or what are those in the game of selling beds to tourists, waiting for?

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First find your solid ground! The gospel according to the late Julian Simon is the clue: apparently the more folk you get, the more resources you get,and the wealthier you get, a process to which there is no end and to which there are no physical limits. A single quarter-acre will do it, then, Hughey. Cram 'em on.

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They'll get richer and richer, the more you cram, and as a bonus, there will be more and more underfoot that had better read 'under feet - many' in the way of resources. No need to develop any green-fields, that way. No need to re-site displaced folk. No need to encroach on farmland. Was Simon brilliant, or what? The point from Julian Simon, is no resources are resources until humans use them. That includes land, and includes NOT cramming people.

Every society in the world that "develops", moves from rural to urban on the national scale, but moves from urban to suburban on the local scale. As usual. Build yer house on wave-packed marine sand, eh! Water is currently off in Northshore mains break at Beach Road , power OK was off for a few hours yesterday. InterWeb fine. Gennies at all cell towers within 2 hours of the start of the quake series. Shakes felt strongly at Puaha valley the Little River side of Hilltop but hardly at all at Okuti Valley the 'other' volcano, due south of Little River just 5 km apart as the tui flies.

Yesterday's quakes make a mockery of the geotech engineers who believed the areas around the Avon River was the most susceptible to liquefaction. The top of Bower Ave is a disaster this time while much of the mid parts of the Avon have little new damage.