
Hookup Blenheim New Zeland

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Marketing solutions List a business Order or opt out Yellow Book. In , nineteen years after the original Nelson settlement, the request of Marlborough settlers was granted, and Marlborough became a separate province. Although gold was discovered in the province in the early s the resulting boom did not last, and while the gold rush helped to expand the region, it was the development of pastoralism which provided the greatest long-term benefits. Marlborough squatters developed huge sheep runs that dominated the countryside, rivalling Canterbury's sheep stations in size and wealth.

Situated on the Wairau Plain, the town is mostly flat with only its southernmost fringe rising to the base of the Wither Hills. As the plain is surrounded by mountains on all but the eastern flank, which is open to Cook Strait, it is relatively well protected from the frequent southerly weather fronts occurring during winters.

The area does however experience some high wind events during the course of the year, especially from the west where the wind is funneled down the Wairau Valley directly at the town. Open and exposed areas in and around Blenheim are also hit quite hard by winds blowing inland from Cook Strait. It is in a tectonically active zone and experiences several usually small earthquakes each year. The boundary between the Pacific plate on which Blenheim sits and the Indo-Australian plate passes just north of Blenheim.

The climate is generally very settled, largely due to the rainshadow effect of the mountain ranges to the west which shelter Blenheim from the heaviest of rains that hit the western part of the South Island.

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Summers are typically warm and dry while winters are normally cool and frosty with clear sunny days that follow. Snowfall is rare as it is sheltered from cold southerly weather by the mountain ranges to the south. Thunderstorms are an uncommon occurrence due to the sheltered climate. There is a higher likelihood in summer, when afternoon heating can generate a buildup of clouds above the ranges.

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The highest recorded temperature is The Blenheim urban area had a usual resident population of 26, at the New Zealand census , an increase of 2, people 9. There were 13, males and 13, females, giving a sex ratio of 0. Of the total population, 4, people Ethnicities were The region's economy is rurally based with pastoral and horticultural farming providing a major source of income.

The modern inhabitants, as their forebearers, continue to utilise the marine resources available. Fishing and mussel farming are also extremely important in the region. Olive growing has also become popular in recent years. Viticulture also has a very large impact on the local economy both directly, by way of employment and servicing required, and also by way of 'wine tourism'.

The local cellars attracted hundreds of thousands of domestic and international tourists every year. The Marlborough wine region is now New Zealand's largest, and receives worldwide recognition for its Sauvignon Blanc wines. With its growing international critical recognition, much of the Marlborough wine industry has come to be dominated by large firms, owned by major New Zealand companies or offshore investors.

There are over 50 vineyards near Blenheim. Agricultural land prices in the Wairau Valley increased dramatically in the s and s. The sunny, pleasant climate has long attracted people to the region, as holiday-makers or as permanent settlers. The region is especially popular among retired people, as well as people seeking an alternative lifestyle. Rapid population growth and other factors though have led to a contemporary chronic shortage of affordable housing for low and middle income earners. The Marlborough Region has a wide range of predominantly outdoor leisure activities and the relaxed lifestyle and the flourishing wine and gourmet food industry in Marlborough are enjoyed by both locals and visitors alike.

Omaka Aerodrome , south of the town centre, is the setting for the two-yearly Classic Fighters Marlborough airshow. With a large emphasis on aircraft of World War One, it has been held since Seymour Square and Pollard Park are two of the town centres main attractions for walks and general tourism. Seymour Square is an open public area in the centre, containing the War Memorial and Clock Tower, unveiled in , classified as a "Category I" "places of 'special or outstanding historical or cultural heritage significance or value'" historic place by Heritage New Zealand.

They are dry and arid ranges which have previously been the site of severe grass fires. Omaka Aerodrome , to the south of the town centre, is used solely by private and vintage aircraft. Blenheim is notable for a town of its size in that it does not have traffic lights at any intersection.

Since the installation of roundabouts traffic volumes have quickly increased and upgrading options are being considered, e. The Coastal Pacific , the daily summer-only long-distance passenger train between Picton and Christchurch, stops at Blenheim Railway Station. A major rail freight facility is north of Blenheim at Spring Creek. The narrow-gauge Blenheim Riverside Railway runs through the town. Blenheim is served by a variety of print publications.

The Saturday Express and Midweek are community newspapers published by the same company and distributed throughout Marlborough. The Blenheim Sun is a twice-weekly free newspaper distributed each Wednesday and Friday.

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This is a list of FM radio stations in Blenheim. The first school opened in Blenheim High School was formed within the school in Catholic schools for boys and girls were established in , replaced by St Mary's Boys' school in In St Mary's was rebuilt after a fire. Marlborough High School, a coeducational secondary school, was founded in Blenheim in In it changed its name to Marlborough College.

The intermediate section was split to form Bohally Intermediate in The college was split into separate boys' and girls' schools in , with Marlborough Boys' College retaining the existing site and Marlborough Girls' College moving to a new site. There are currently 11 schools in the Blenheim urban area: [18]. Other primary schools are in the surrounding localities of Renwick , Fairhall , Grovetown , Rapaura and Riverlands.

Two diesel generators were commissioned at Springlands in and to supplement the supply from Waihopai. The town was connected to Cobb Power Station in , [20] which in turn was connected to the rest of the South Island grid in The diesel generators were relegated to standby duty, last generated power on 22 July , and were decommissioned in The electricity sector reforms required electricity companies to separate their lines and supply businesses.